NRL Q&A: Did the Canberra Raiders upgrade Williams by signing Jamal Fogarty?

G’day, subscribers.

We’ve taken a few questions through our social media channels and will be punching out extended answers for Premium Members. I’ve looked into the Bulldogs middle and their chances of making the Top 8 already and kept up with the Jesse Bromwich and Mark Nicholls news out of Redcliffe. Meanwhile, Oscar broke down more of Valentine Holmes’ move into the centres.

Also, we’re starting to put together a content plan for 2022. We’ve got plenty of ideas already but if there is anything you’d like to see more this season, get in touch here or flick me a message (@JasonNRL on all socials).



It’s all questions and very few answers at this point of the NRL season. Still, we’re going to answer a few while waiting for it all to kick off in March. This one comes from Instagram but you can submit your own questions here or through any of our social media channels.

“Would love to hear your take on the ‘Is Fogarty that much of an upgrade on Williams’ discussion.” – connorfawdry (IG)

I’m not going to lie, I’ve not heard much about this discussion.

Is it George or Sam?

Let’s look into both…

If I’m putting together a rugby league team for the 2022 NRL season and have a choice between Jamal Fogarty and George Williams, I’m picking Williams in a heartbeat. The Englishman’s ceiling is far higher and his game-breaking ability went grossly underrated throughout his time in the NRL.

The Raiders played with a fairly split field in 2020. Jack Wighton was able to use his size and strength close to the line without needing to think too much about the shape of the attack. He tormented right-side defences with his running game for 13 tries, 11 line breaks and eight try assists with 43% of Canberra’s total tries coming down the left side of the field. Meanwhile, George Williams put together an impressive season amassing seven tries and 17 try assists despite the Raiders first-choice right edge rarely sharing the field together.


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